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    The neck bears the weight of the head and is responsible for turning, twisting, and bending in order to look in different directions. Pain in the neck can be the result of a pinched nerve or a herniated disc. This is when the vertebrae shifts out of alignment and pushes on the nerves in the neck. When this happens, it can cause pain to radiate from the neck, into the upper back, and the arms.


    • Pain in the neck area
    • Tingling sensation in the arms or hands
    • Sharp pain in the arm
    • Weakness of arm (in advanced cases)


    • Poor posture such as sitting hunched over your phone all day
    • Your neck being stuck in an awkward position for a long period of time
    • Poor posture such as sitting hunched over your phone all day
    • Your neck being stuck in an awkward position for a long period of time
    • Your neck being forced beyond its normal range of motion
    • Sleeping wrong way
    • Whiplash from auto accidents or injury can also cause neck pain to occur. The sudden movement from whiplash snaps the neck awkwardly, over stretches, and tears the tendons and ligaments in the neck.

    What is the treatment for neck pain?

    For neck pain in particular, chiropractic neck adjustments, called cervical manipulation, are used to loosen up the joints of the cervical vertebrae in the neck. This reduces the pain caused by pinched nerves and muscle spasms and combats the effects of posture and other factors. Chiropractic care also helps chronic neck pain by ensuring the entire spine is in proper alignment, as sometimes neck pain isn’t just local. When the spine is aligned using repositioning and muscle relaxation techniques, the nerves are no longer pinched, herniated discs can heal, and the spine is better stabilized.

    If you suffer from neck pain, do not hesitate to call our clinic to schedule an appointment and get your neck checked.